You can get around this with VMWare Fusion if you have that:
- Create a new virtual machine for Mac OS X server (choose 64 bit if your computer supports it)
- In the finder, right-click this newly created virtual machine and choose Open With...->VMDK Mounter
- Use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone your current hard drive to this. You probably want to exclude unnecessary files to speed this up. I excluded my Downloads and Documents folder, ~/Library/Caches, and any applications that I don't need to run on this image
- VMWare will only run an OSX server guest. To fake this, open Terminal and "sudo touch System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist"
Debating between spending $200 on the educational version of CS5.5 or switching to Aperture for $80, but this will at least tide me over in the short term